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Learn At Home with the ABC Schoolhouse

Do you have CreateOn’s ABC Schoolhouse Structures set? We have lots of fun learning activities that your child can do.

You can download a PDF of the following activities here!
Word Building Games

Skill Development: Identifying Word Patterns, Reading, and Identifying Letter Sounds

learn at home with magna-tiles

• Spell and sound out “AT” with the letter tiles.

• Have your child add different letters in front of “AT” to create different words: MAT HAT PAT CAT RAT SAT

• Sound out each letter being added as you spell new words.

• As your child continues to stack letters in front of “AT,” count how many words were made!

• Continue the learning and fun by playing with the “UG” letter combination: MUG DUG RUG BUG

The Case of The Missing Letter

Skill Development: Problem Solving, Observation, and Communication

learn at home with magna-tiles

• Lay out two to three letter tiles.

• Review the name and sound of the letters. Have your child close his or her eyes as you remove one letter.

• Ask, “What’s the missing letter? Can you figure out which one was taken away?”

• Mix it up by adding new letters and more tiles to increase the challenge.

• Take turns and allow your child to also remove a letter for you to guess!

Letter House Building Game

Skill Development: Classifying, Letter Recognition, and Fine Motor

learn at home with magna-tiles

• Together with your child, build an “open box” using four tiles, placing the letter tile on the front.

• Discuss the pictures on each letter tile and look around for similar items that also match the letter, placing it inside or next to the box.

• Additionally, you can together, cut or tear pictures from magazines or newspapers that match the letter and have your child place them in the box.

• Allow your child to figure out if the item can fit in the box. Encourage him or her to try different ways.

• When your child is finished, he or she can build a roof with the triangle tiles to complete his or her letter house!

Building a Schoolhouse

Skill Development: Engineering, Conversation, and Hand-Eye Coordination

learning at home with magna-tiles
• Have your child build the schoohouse as directed.

• Have other materials nearby, such as any toy figurines, Magna-Tiles®, and other loose parts, such as rocks, sticks or wooden pieces.

• Ask your child, “What else can we add?” By asking open-ended questions with an array of materials, you are giving your child opportunities to think creatively as he or she builds.

• As your child begins adding to the schoolhouse, ask him or her about what he or she is doing and discuss design and structure together. These are the beginning steps to engineering!


Skill Development: Language, Social, and Communication
learning at home with magna-tiles

• Have your child name the items on a letter tile.

• Together, stress the letter sounds as they connect to the letter on tile.

• Ask your child to tell a story using the pictures on the letter tile. Example using the ‘R’ tile: “A robot, a reindeer, and a rhinoceros went on a rocket in the rain while wearing a ring and listening to the radio.”

• Write down your stories together to tell to others later or add more details!

Letter Finger Tracing

Skill Development: Writing, Fine Motor, and Letter Shape Recognition
learning at home with magna-tiles

• Have your child choose a letter to trace with his or her finger.

• Describe and discuss the shape of the letter as your child traces it. For example: “Notice how the ‘S’ curves around like a snake.” “Notice how the ‘T’ is just one line down and
one line across.”

• Mix it up by using a feather or cotton swab to trace the letter.

• See if your child can find all of the letters in his or her name.

Picked Just For You