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Magnetic Tiles® Structures® The Beatles Collection

Price: $134.95  
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We all live in a Yellow Submarine, well technically we don’t, but we do live in a world with some interesting and brilliant Beatles collectibles. 

From the Abbey Roads of England to the Strawberry Fields of the US, and across the universe, we cannot get enough of all things Beatles. This collectible is a new way to play using Magna-Tiles®.  

Kids, parents and grandparents can play together to build the Yellow Submarine, Magical Mystery Tour Bus, phonograph, Beatles album collage and many other structures.  

Take a Magical Mystery Tour through this interactive structure set and see what you can design With A Little Help From Your Friends.  Look at Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds through your very own kaleidoscope or Let It Be on a shelf for future generations to enjoy.

If it’s A Good Day Sunshine or even A Hard Days Night, this set will engage young and old for years to come. As Maggie Mae would say, don’t let this set pass you by!

All The Details:
  • Made with Magna-Tiles® this set is compatible with all our other Magna-Tiles® Structures® and original Magna-Tiles® Sets.
  • All our Magna-Tiles® Structures® sets are kid-friendly for little hands.  They’re parent, teacher, caregiver AND  STEM approved!
  • All pieces feature SuperColor® Technology on both sides for vibrant colors and a scratch-resistant coating.
  • This set contains 28 small squares, 10 small rectangles, 6 quarter rounds, 6 small triangles, 1 hexagon and 2 chassis.
  • Ages 3 years and up.
  • FREE SHIPPING when you purchase this collectors set. NO CODE NEEDED.

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